Thursday, August 28, 2008

Painting a Fairy Land Mural in our Girl's Bedroom

Well, we still have some finishing touches, adding some fairies here and there, but it looks so neat! I am SO glad my mom came to help me with this, because it is a BIG room and I was very overwhelmed. We spent about 7+ hours on Tuesday and finished up today in probably 3-4 hours. I had to leave to go to work... but here are the photos.  The girls wanted a room that looked like it was on the outside of a castle, looking out into a world where they could play fairies.

My mom sketched out this view so that it looks like the room extends far out.  She is so awesome!

We painted flowers that matched the fake flowers that we picked up at Old Time Pottery.

I painted the door to look more like a rounded castle door.

A unicorn playing by the stream...

We added the fake plants to the closest posts to match the painted ones that were "far away"

It made for a very realistic look!

Paris wanted her bed to be back in a "fairy cave" and mom used her glow in the dark paint to paint 'hidden' fairies around and inside the giant 'tree'... 

My hubby lying on Abyni's bed after a long day at work.

This room was SO fun to paint!  

Thanks to my mother for being so much help!