My oldest daughter and her fiance moved out, so we were able to finish unpacking some more, and start using our front room for games and art projects like it was intended! That was very nice, to get all of that unpacked and set up!
The girls and I had fun at the park for a girl's night out...
But at HOME....
Patrick found a bunch of free pallets on Craigslist, then he and the boys took them apart for free lumber!
Which came in handy for lots of building!
We got started on Paris' bunk using free pallets! The cabinet is under her bed for her clothes, then the top part will be built in with doors that she can leave open or closed!
The AVENGERS Bathroom!!!
We got started on the Avengers bathroom... and that is looking AWE-MAZING!
The gray part that you see is actually our bathroom wall leaning up against the living room wall so that Paris can trace the characters on it... the finished product is turning out SO INCREDIBLY COOL!!!
Here's a HINT:
In the Near Future:
We have an "Avon Kick Off Party" scheduled for next weekend (the 8th) to help Paris get her Avon business going... and the week after that, on September 15th, we're having a Big Birthday Bash for Bean the Monkey Puppet Show. If you're local to us and would like an invite for the Avon party OR if you have a little child who enjoys monkeys or puppets, let me know by facebook message on our fan page, and I'll send you an invite!
Oh, speaking of my AMAZING daughter, who is doing such AWESOME things with our Avenger's Bathroom... here is :