Then we lived out in the country and stray cats were everywhere and my kids fell in love.
So then I said, "Okay, no INSIDE pets. Ever. Period. No matter what!"
And then we got Sedona. She was part wolf, part Siberian Husky, and she was the most gloriously beautiful dog. She was an outdoor dog, she had plenty of room to run and she was a happy dog. Then we moved to a rental house in Tulsa, and we had to find a family for her. She went to another home, with another family with young kids and a huge yard to run around in. That was heartbreaking for my husband, and then HE was the one that said, "NO MORE PETS."

Patrick and the kids were especially devastated. He really said "NO MORE PETS!!!"
It was heartbreaking. The kids were ready for another dog long before Patrick was.
Then Sprite got a cat that we named Elephant. Who apparently is not amused at being woken from her nap.
Then we got Jaedin a part Siamese cat for his birthday...He named her "Boo" but dogs were still a "NO!"
Then a year later, I was at a garage sale with the kids, and they had these adorable little balls of fur and the kids fell in love. Because my husband is the pet picker outer, I called him to come and have a look. He loved one of the puppies enough, that we had a new dog. We named her Kitty.
She kind of blends in with the futon, she's a big old ball of shaggy black fur.
Now, Kitty is still around, Elephant is still around, there are no more fish, but we have a Python named Attila. Paris and Kainan have been BEGGING to be allowed to get a couple of ferrets, but Patrick has put his foot down and repeatedly say, "NO MORE PETS!!!"
Until yesterday. A friend posted this on facebook...
My husband of the "NO MORE PETS" saw this and immediately responded that if I was okay with it, he would go take her. "For a trial run" (Lol, he's already so in love with the dog 12 hours later... no way would he give her up now:)
He came home with this gorgeous "Diva" just under 24 hours later. It would have been sooner, but he had to work late:) He's such a softie for dogs...
The Diva meeting Kitty
Meeting Jaedin & Kainan
Checking out the whole house
This is one big dog! Although Patrick keeps commenting how surprised he is at how small she is for a Mastiff.
Doing her three turns around the bed that she claimed (Paris got pushed to the floor:)
Getting some good night hugs from Jaedin.
This morning Kitty and The Diva got into a fight when The Diva tried to step foot on what is apparently Kitty's futon. I broke it up and separated them for a while... all is well now. She's inspired and energized our previously lazy dog, the kids love her and Patrick's been playing with her since he got home ten minutes ago, so I think it will all go well!